Registration Form and School Supplies Order Form
The Chance to Evolve in a Dynamic Environment
Académie Blaise Pascal asks that you download and fill out this registration form (available in French only) and educational services contract (available in French only). If you are invited to apply for admission, please have your child's complete school record in hand, including:
- All report cards from kindergarten
- Large format birth certificate
- Health insurance card
- The $50 account opening fee
- The first payment of $200 for admission
School Supplies
For school supplies, please refer to the order forms below.
Order Forms (available in French only)
Our schedule is based on a full day, five days a week:
Classes start: 8:30 AM
Classes end: 3:45 PM
The school opens at 7:30 am with monitors supervising until 8:30 AM.
At the end of the day, monitors supervise from 3:45 PM to 4:15 PM.
Study Period
We offer a study period (elementary) from 4 PM to 5:15 PM.
At lunchtime, the students will enjoy 1 hour 15 minutes break, including 30 minutes for lunch and 45 minutes for recess. Children can go home for lunch, bring lunch to school or get a hot meal at the cafeteria.
2020-2021 Fees
Account: $50
Registration: $200
Monthly payment for elementary level: $635 per month from September to June
Lunch/Recess: $150 per month (supervision)
Hot Lunch/Recess: $280 per month (meals + supervision)
Study Period: $146 per month (supervised study)
Extracurricular activities: The cost of activities is $50 for the year for elementary school students.
Educational Field Trips: There is also an annual cost related to educational field trips taken during the year, which is approximately $250.
Books and Supplies: Books and school supplies will be billed in October for a total cost ranging from $200 to $390 depending on the grade.
Use of Computers: The computer user fee for elementary students is $85 per year.